Bare-root plants offer some wonderful opportunities to create a hedgerow, windbreak, fill out a large landscape or expand your fruit production in an economical way. The plants arrive with no soil support in a dormant state where they are not actively growing. A little more care is required of the root system before planting, but it is a simple process of soaking the roots for a few hours to start the growing process. One benefit of growing from bare-root stock is that the plants naturally break dormancy and haven't been forced in a greenhouse. Therefore if we get a late spring frost, as we are prone to get in Alberta, the plants often withstand the change in temperatures more easily. As with all planting, ensuring that the new planting is well watered and soil conditions are attended to, will provide a good start for the bare-root plants.
For a limited time in the spring, we offer bare-root plants. We take pre orders and will connect with you when your shipment arrives for easy pickup at our farm location. We do not ship our plant material.